Chris has been a steadfast and reliable employee for years, working his way up the ranks.
Jenna, originally hired through HireAble partner CC ARC’s job placement program, is now a supervisor and job coach herself!
“All businesses in the Bay Area should think outside their norm and consider hiring individuals with disabilities” says Mario Salvatore Lopez, the general manager at Embassy Suites, where Daniel Costte (pictured) is employed.
When Seleste first began her employment journey as a part-time clerical assistant, she had no idea how different her life would be five years later after two promotions and as a full-time employee with benefits!
“The work can be very demanding and needs to be done with integrity, honesty and accuracy.” said Nancy O’Malley Alameda County D.A. and HireAble Employer Awardee 2018. Fortunately, “Brianna has been incredibly successful in every task she has undertaken. She is a productive member of our community and an asset to this office.”