HireAble helps individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities identify the type of employment they desire while determining the job seeker’s unique skills and talents. We provide any or all of the following services to help individuals find, get, and keep a job.
Job discovery and exploration services.
Project SEARCH Opportunities: typically a 9-12 month internship program in a particular industry, such as Medical, Office/Clerical, Hospitality, etc. to gain marketable skills and experience, with the ultimate goal of employment.
Post-secondary education experience and support to achieve vocational/career goals.
Paid internship opportunities.
Job development and placement support.
Extensive Job Coach support upon hire to ensure individuals learn the company culture, policies and procedures, job tasks and responsibilities.
On-going Job Coach support to help the individual’s maintain their job and adjust to workplace changes, support opportunities for advancement, educate co-workers, etc.
A job coach assisting a HireAble supported employee.

Types of Jobs
HireAble has helped individuals achieve a variety of positions:
Paid Internship Programs

The passage of a recent bill (ABX2-1) authorized funding to pay for individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities to be able to receive paid internships as a means to increase access to Community Employment options. We currently have paid internship opportunities with the following employers:
● Alameda County Project SEARCH
● Oakland Children’s Hospital Project SEARCH
● Inclusion Films
● Inner City Advisors
● St. Paul’s Towers
● Embassy Suites Walnut Creek Project SEARCH
● Employment & Community Options